Spring Lawn Care Tips for Summer in Arizona


Spring Lawn Care Tips for Summer in Arizona

spring lawn flowersAs spring winds up, residents across Arizona are again breaking out their lawn equipment in preparation for summer. Spring brings along warm and comfortable temperatures favorable for lawn care: mowing, prepping evergreen grass, trees, and beautiful flowers for summer. Below are some vital spring lawn care tips for summer in Arizona:

● Clear Your Lawn

One of the most important spring landscape tips is to clean up your neglected lawn. This may include raking to remove broken limbs from trees, debris, and leaves from the winter months. After cleaning, it’s time to plant your favorite flowers and trees for blooming in summer. Some of the flowers that flourish in Arizona include Floss Flowers, Dahlia, and Scarlet Sage.

● Water Your Lawn Efficiently

Your grass and flowers need to absorb sufficient water to flourish. This means you should water your lawn frequently. However, avoid watering the yard when the sun is too hot as the water can evaporate and not serve the intended purpose. We recommend that you water your lawn before sunrise and after sunset.

● Fertilizing

Use the right fertilizer on your lawn to avoid damaging plants and maintain the proper nutrients in the soil. However, if you’re worried about using harmful chemicals on your lawn, you may want to consider mulch or organic compost instead.

● Mow Your Lawn

When it comes to mowing, it is crucial to understand the cutting length that’s suitable for your lawn to maintain good health. Essentially, different grasses need varying cutting lengths, so it’s best to adjust your lawnmower to meet your specific lawn needs. For example, Bermuda grass needs 1 to 2 inches, while Hybrid Bermuda grass requires a length of 0.5 to 1 inches.


How AZ Rock & Granite can help
At AZ Rock & Granite, we provide a range of landscaping solutions, including lawn care services in Arizona. We can help you with all your lawn care needs to ensure your lawn looks great throughout the year. Contact us today for further details.