Arizona Home Winter Lawn Care Tips
Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too? While managing a winter lawn requires some adaptation and adjustments here and there, there’s no reason you can’t maintain a beautiful lawn even in those cooler months of the year. Follow these tips to prolong the health and lush appearance of your Arizona lawn through the winter. Landscape bed of garden with wave ornamental growth cypress bushes gravel mulch by color rock way on a day spring park with green lawn meadow, nobody.

Know the Best Grass for Your Region

Decorative Landscaping Rocks Phoenix Before you can invest in grass that’ll withstand the elements, the climate, and your particular region, you have to understand what the optimal grass for your region even is. Arizona has some of the most diverse landscapes in the world. From scorching hot arid deserts in the south to mountain ranges in the north that are lined with forests, you should research what grass works best for the weather and climate where you live. One of the most versatile grasses suitable for the climate in Arizona is Bermuda grass because it thrives in hot temperatures and high sunlight, is resistant to drought, and can handle low soil and the high mineral content of the water.


As great as Bermuda grass is, perennial or annual ryegrass is ideal for the winter months, depending on where you live. Perennial ryegrass is preferable for regions of Arizona that experience bigger temperature fluctuations. Overseeding your grass with ryegrass will prevent your lawn from turning a dull brown and keep it a vibrant green for as long as possible.


In the winter months, your lawn will go dormant, and you won’t need the same amount or type of fertilizer you use in the Summer months. Reduce your frequency of fertilization in the winter, such as once every 3 weeks. Pluck away any weeds from your yard to get the most out of your fertilizer. We recommend using a fertilizer like a 6-20-20 or a 15-15-15


When you first overseed your lawn, you should lower the height of your mower by 30%. Regular mowing can help to eliminate the overgrowth of weeds and keep the seeds moist in the first 1-2 weeks of overseeding. Perennial and annual ryegrass should be mowed at about 1.5-2 inches.

Smart Watering

When you first overseed your grass, you’ll need to keep it moist. However, within 14 days, you can reduce your watering frequency in the winter months. About 15 minutes of watering every 3-10 days should be sufficient. If the region you live in gets cold, you should avoid watering when temperatures are very low and try to make a habit of watering in the late afternoon, only when it’s sufficiently warm out.

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Want to make the most out of your lawn throughout the year? Browse AZ Rock and Granite online to complete your landscaping needs with our selection of decorative rocks.